
I have written about a kitten,

My kitten is sittiting on a mitten,

My kitten has hidden in the kitchen,

The kitten got into my chicken,

My kitten read a fiction book,

My kitten watches while I cook.

I Love My Kitten!

My PJ Party

It all started when we were walking back to our room on a crusie ship.We saw this sign that said pj party from 9:00-12:00.Me and my brother asked if we could go and my mom and dad said yes.So we went to get our pj’s on and headed to the party.When we got there we did face paint.I got a big butterfly face.When our face paint dryed we danced.You better be glad you wern’t there because it got a little coco.And so making us dance made us feel like we wanted to sing.So we did sing.All of use got tired so we watched tv until sombody stated a pillow fight so we joined in.When the pillow fight was over we ate  cake and pizza.While everybody was eatting we danced some more.Our mom and dad were ready to go but me and my brother didn’t want to but we hade to go.And that was the time I went to my 1st pj party.

Long Division

Long division is seeing how many groups can you get out of a number.Lets say you have 35 divided by 5.You would have to see how many 5 can you get out of 35 witch is……..7.When you know how to divide is when you here the words each, in groups of,and equaly.The number that you use to see how many groups to get out of a bigger number is called a dividend.The larger number to see were to stop at is called a divisor.If you follow these simple rules you could be a multiplication genus.Thats all I know about divison.

About Multiplication

Multiplication is basicly repeated addition.All you do when you multiplie is you repeat the same number that you are multipleing with.So its like skip counting.Example:Lets say you have 3×6=__ you would just skip count 3 6 times.When you know that your multipling is when they give you a problem that has the words rows,in each,columes, and patterns.Example: Ashley has 5 boxes of cookies. There are 20 cookies in each box.How manycookies are there in all.When to multiplie is when you see those key words.In multiplication the number of how many times your skip counting and the that your using to skip count is called a facter.Your answer to a multiplication problem is called a product.Those are some ways on how  to multiplie  when to and what the numbers are called.If you follow these rulse  you can be a multiplication genuis.