About Multiplication

Multiplication is basicly repeated addition.All you do when you multiplie is you repeat the same number that you are multipleing with.So its like skip counting.Example:Lets say you have 3×6=__ you would just skip count 3 6 times.When you know that your multipling is when they give you a problem that has the words rows,in each,columes, and patterns.Example: Ashley has 5 boxes of cookies. There are 20 cookies in each box.How manycookies are there in all.When to multiplie is when you see those key words.In multiplication the number of how many times your skip counting and the that your using to skip count is called a facter.Your answer to a multiplication problem is called a product.Those are some ways on how  to multiplie  when to and what the numbers are called.If you follow these rulse  you can be a multiplication genuis.

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