
John Smith

Also Indentured Servants were often beaten.

Mayflower set sail for North America



The Virginia Company

Owners in Virginia relied on Indentured Servants

Well tobacco plants grew in the soil of Virginia

North America



Why I Would Live In Jamestown


I would live in Jamestown because they would always grow food and crops like tobacco because we could eat it or sell so they could get some money, and other valuble things.I would have also lived there because they have good places to live to were you could last pretty long.But the bad news is that they had  no water to drink from.They would have had to drink from the river were they would take a bath.Emagine drinking water were everybody took a bath in.But other than that everything was great.And that’s why I would live in Jamestown.

Henry Hudson

                          June 161                                                                                     


Today we brought you some bad news.  Henry Hudson got put into a small boat and got left in the bay.  Hudson wasn’t lonley.  Hudson told everyone to get anything they had like there hand,shirt,or a stick to paddle back to the closest piece of land.  They spent a few days there then they had an idea.  They found a piece of glass so they made a fire with the sun hoping that someone would come get them.  They would munch on any kind of berries from the trees.  And they would drink water from the ocean.  They would sleep on sand and cover up with sand.  They will always be sitting there hoping one day someone would come get them to take them home each and every day.



Should Every Kid Get A Trophy?

Every kid should get a trophy because it would make them fell good and happy,instead of just one kid and then bragging a lot about it.Every kid should be rewarded not just only one kid because everyone will fill left out.Do you think every kid should get a trophy.đŸ™‚


5 New Things I Learned In 4th Grade This Year

I have learned to do cross multiplication. Cross multiplication is where you have two fractions and you multiply the numerator on one of them with the denominator on the other fraction to see if you get the same number on each fraction so you could see if they are equal fractions.

I have also learned howto do volume.Volume is where you get  a 3-D figure and count and see what the lentgh,width,and hieght. Then you are going to multiply the all together to get your volume.

Another thing that I have learned is decimils.Decimels using hundredths is where you have a whole grid with some parts shadded in  you would count hoe many you have.Somtimes you might have a whole shaded then the decimel would look like this 1.23.useing decimels with tenths.Decimals with tenths is like lets say you have a total of 2 bars shaded so that would be 0.2 witch is the same as 0.20 with hundreths.

                      I have also learned how to do fractions.Fractions is were you have a shape divided into pieces and lets say you have 8 pieces total so that would go on the bottom witch is called the denominator.You would have some pieces shaded in so lets say you have 3 shaded in so that would go on the top witch is called the numorater.

                      the last thing that I learned is time.Time is were you have a short hand and a big hand on the clock.The short hand shows the hour so lets say the hour is 3:00.The short hand is the minute hand.Every number is counting by 5 so lets say its pointing at the 9 witch would be 45 because its counting by 5.

My Wildflower

My Wildflower is a purple cone flower.This flower grows in Texas.This flower grows to be up to 2-3 feet tall.It’s blooming time is June-October.It’s scientific name is Echinacea Purpurea.This flower grows in Texas.It grows to be up to 2-3 feet tall.It’s colors are lavender or purple pedals surrounding in iridescent red-oranged, coned center. Some suggested use is bordars,meadows,mixtures,and floral gardens. Perfers full sun and partail shade and fertile,well-drain soils. Absolutly Stunning!!!







My Wildflower

My wildflower is a Purple Cone Flower.The scieintific name is Echinacea purpurea.The classification name is Asteraceae.This flower grows anywhere in Texas.i It can grow to be 2-3 feet tall.It’s colors are lavender or purple petals surrounding an iridescent red-oranged,coned center.Some suggested use is borders,meadows,mixtures,and floral gardens.This flower perfers full sun and partral shade and fertile,well drain soils.Absolutly Stunning!!!!!